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Dawn Farm Addiction and Recovery Education Series

Sep 23, 2015

“Opiates and Medicine; Where Are We, America?” was presented on September 22, 2015, by Jeffrey Berger, MD, FASAM; Medical Director, Guest House. Non-medical use of opiates has been called an “epidemic” by CDC Director Thomas Frieden and “an urgent public health crisis” by former US Attorney General Eric Holder. Local and national leaders and media headlines echo and highlight this concern. How did we get this way? What can we do? This presentation provides a historically-based look at the medical use of opiates, especially in American society.  It focuses on the development and use of narcotic medications against the background of the three opiate epidemics in America.This program is part of the Dawn Farm Education Series, a FREE, annual education series developed to provide accurate, helpful, hopeful, practical, current information about chemical dependency, recovery, family and related issues.  The Education Series is organized by Dawn Farm, a non-profit community of programs providing a continuum of chemical dependency services. For information, please see