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Dawn Farm Addiction and Recovery Education Series

Dec 16, 2015

“Relapse Prevention” was presented on Tuesday December 15, 2015, by Erik Anderson LMSW, CAADC, Dawn Farm Outpatient Program Therapist. Addiction has been identified as an illness that requires long-term management.  Relapse is a process that begins before alcohol/other drug use is resumed and is usually preceded by...

Nov 25, 2015

“How To Support Recovery and Not Support Addiction” was presented on November 24, 2015; by Charles F. Gehrke, MD, FACP, FASAM. The course of an individual’s alcohol/other drug addiction may be strongly influenced by family members, friends, employers and others. The disease of addiction is often poorly understood, and...

Oct 31, 2015

Navigating Grace: Sustaining Recovery through Grief and Loss” was be presented on Tuesday October 27, 2015, by Jeff Jay; best-selling author and counselor. Step recovery programs address the individual’s spirituality and refer to a “Power greater than oneself” and “God as we understand God” as a source...

Oct 28, 2015

The Intersectionality of Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault and Substance Abuse” was presented on Tuesday October 20, 2015; by David J.H. Garvin, LMSW; Chief Operating Officer, Catholic Social Services of Washtenaw County and Founder, Alternatives to Domestic Aggression, Catholic Social Services of Washtenaw County;...

Sep 30, 2015

“Chemical Dependency and the Family” was presented on September 29, 2015; by Dr. Lynn Kleiman Malinoff, Ed.D. Chemical dependency is described as a family disease. This program provides an overview of how addiction impacts each member of a family. The presenter will describe the roles and behaviors that family members...